Back pain

Everything about acupuncture treatment when a back pain indication is present.

Back pain is considered a widespread disease. In the Netherlands in 2018 there were an estimated 2 million people known to the general practitioner with a diagnosis of neck and back pain: 871,200 men and 1,193,800 women. At all ages, neck and back complaints are more common in women than in men. The number of people with the disease increases with age.

During the covid-19 pandemic, the government instructed to work at home as much as possible , during this period the expectation was that neck and back complaints will increase further, because not everyone has a good ergonomic place to work at home. This is exactly what happened and we see a growing number of patients ask for help with their back pain implecations.

How do we get back pain? What are the causes?

As with all other diseases, it is important to recognize which causes or phenomena trigger the symptoms when making a diagnosis. Because only what is known as the cause can be treated as the cause. This is where the difficulties often begin. Pain is always only a symptom. Pain only indicates that something is wrong. The elimination of the pain is the most important thing for the affected person, but only the elimination of the cause can also bring healing. Freedom from pain does not mean health.

The causes of back pain are plentiful. It is often difficult to find the triggering moments and eliminate them accordingly. The causes of back pain do not always lie in the back itself. Sometimes there are also completely different causes, such as urological or gynecological. Diseases of some internal organs can also cause back pain. In most cases, the causes of back pain are acquired due to long-term incorrect tension. Back pain is often also caused by short-term overloading, such as lifting quickly and too heavy, carrying loads, changes of the spinal cord or due to pregnancy and birth.

Other triggers can also be Genital problems, skeletal diseases such as osteoporosis (bone atrophy) or wear and tear of the spine or intervertebral discs, but also injuries such as whiplash or fractures of individual vertebrae. An X-ray examination or CT (computed tomography) provides quickly usable results.

Psychological stress also plays an important role, especially in back problems. Stress at work or in the family is also an affecting factor.

Acupuncture treatment of back pain

When the diagnosis is correct, back problems and back pain can be treated. Acupuncture is the most effective method of treatment, both for pain relief and for chronic back pain.

Through acupuncture treatment, the blockage in various energy channels is released and healthy flowing Qi energy is promoted. This improves the energy supply to the tendons and intervertebral discs. An acupressure massage or cupping is often used in the treatment of back pain. In this way the tense muscle can be relaxed again, and the blockage of energy and blood can be released.

With acute back pain, many patients experience significant pain relief after about 5 treatments. For chronic back pain, most patients achieve long-term improvement after about 10 treatments.



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