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Acupuncture is the most traditional and mainstream alternative health care treatment in the world. However, it is not a stand-alone treatment, but rather it is part of the traditional Chinese medicine
- TCM.
Originated in China during the Shang dynasty in 1100-1600 B.C., acupuncture has only gained popularity in the western world since 1971.
Acupuncture gives natural results for a wide range of health problems that, still today, cannot be solved by western medicine. It is a scientific system of healing that restores and maintains health to the mind and body.
Acupuncture is a real physical medicine that is based on real anatomy. It is balancing the functioning of systems in the body by improving the flow of oxygen, blood, nutrients, and fluids in the body; strengthening the health of the blood vessels and organs; and affecting and manipulating the nervous system to create homeostasis, balance, and pain relief in the body.
This is the most common treatment. It involves the insertion and manipulation of ‘as thin as hair’, nearly painless, needles into well-known and proofed acupuncture points, usually only around 5 millimetre deep.
Each point has a different therapeutic effect; the points can be located from head to toe.
TCM is one of the oldest systems of medicine; in fact, it’s older than western medicine (1847) by 3500 years.
TCM is a collection of different methods, theories, and practices of ancient Chinese wisdom. It’s based on “The law of nature” and designed to help humans to achieve and maintain health.
One of the most important theories is Daoist philosophy. They believed that the human body is a miniature version of the universe and that there are energy flows through the body that perform multiple functions to maintain health.
Another theory is the yin & yang. They are characters of health, complementary opposites.
The yin & yang diagnosis is determined by:
Acupuncture is believed to keep the balance between yin and yang, in order to allow the normal flow of Qi with the neural transmission through the body and brain (yin associated with the parasympathetic nervous system and the yang associated with the sympathetic nervous system) and restore health to the mind and body
The Five Elements represent the stages of human life and explain the functioning of the body. The Five Elements reflect a deep understanding of natural law and the Universal order.
They are a comprehensive template that organizes natural phenomena into five systems in nature. Each of the five groups:
All include categories such as a season, a direction, climate, stage of growth and development, body tissue, emotion, taste, colour, sound, etc.
The Five Elements include the internal organs and the interconnected relationships between them.
There are in TCM as many as 2000 acupuncture points on the human body, which are connected by 12 main meridians and 8 deeper meridians that get into the internal organs at the energetic level.
Qi (pronounced as chi) is the energy of the body and the universe, the life energy. There are different types of Qi within the body; each type is getting created, acts and transforms into another energy in a different way.
TCM inspection uses 5 basic methods of diagnosis in their assessments:
The inspection does not solely focus on the patient’s physical appearance and behaviour. A very important analysis that is added to the inspection are the tongue and the pulse.
The tongue inspection will include an examination of size, shape, colour, and coating.
The pulse inspection will include palpitation of the wrist pulses at three different locations on the radial artery on both wrists. Each location is representing the internal organs energy pathways.
During the inquiry, you will be asked 10 questions about your individual condition state of health and lifestyle behaviour.
Dikla Keshet - Certified Acupuncturist
Copyright © 2020-2024 Acupuncture Ibiza
VAT ID: Y1680331B
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Opening hours:
Monday 09.00 – 21.00
Tuesday 09.00 – 21.00
Wednesday 09.00 – 21.00
Thursday 09.00 – 21.00
Friday 09.00 – 21.00
Saturday 09.00 – 21.00
Sunday 09.00 – 21.00
+34 652 441 771
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